Special Occasions & Events
Keep in touch with upcoming events and specials occasions here at "The Addison Arms"

Mother's Day
Mother's Day is on it's way. Want you treat your Mum to a delicious Sunday Lunch? we are the spot just for you. 2 course meal or 3 course meal you decide with a free mini bottle of Prosecco.
Menu now available
Bookings Only.
please call us on:
01487 830410
or email us on:

Coming Soon...
What to expect in the future at The Addison Arms …
Live Music
Karaoke Nights
Beer & Cider Festivals
Charity Fun Days
Lots of exciting things coming your way, we look forward to sharing with you all.

Sunday Quiz Nights
Quiz Master Dan will be coming in every Sunday! Dan used to do a weekly quiz at one of Ian's other pubs, everyone loved them! we are looking forward to seeing what different quiz ideas Dan comes up with.
Start Time: 7:30pm
End Time: 9/9:30pm
Entry £3.00 per person
Maximum of 6 per team
Winners receive a cash prize
Runners up a Bottle of House Wine
£1 from every entry will go towards a selected Charity.
Date of first quiz to be confirmed (keep a look out for the date)